A comedy series, featuring black on the edge humor. The brothers Börkur and Víðir get themselves in trouble in their small Icelandic town. Fríðborg is a hairdresser form Faroe Islands married to Börkur. The show was a great success and three series where made.
Director: Arnór Pálmi Arnarsson.
Actors: Árni Pétur Guðjónsson, Kjartan Guðjónsson, Þórhallur Sigurðsson, María Ellingsen, Helga Braga Jónsdóttir, Hannes Óli Ágústsson, Hjálmar Hjálmarsson og Þórunn Arna Kristjánsdóttir.
Script: Arnór Pálmi Arnarsson, Katrín Björgvinsdóttir, Heiðar Már Björnsson.
Production: Zeta Films.